I should have probably done this as my first full blog, but such is life...
I had a great conversation with an important figure in my life today, and I had to explain to her why I subscribe to liberalism, progressive politics, leftist thought... It's all the same to me, and I use the words interchangeably. I shall summarize the key parts...
First and foremost, I am a woman. The modern conservative movement, while it's followers doesn't articulate that they are necessarily sexist, I don't believe that most who do claim to be conservatives fully support gender equality or know that it is not going to destroy the moral fabric of this country. And while I am not saying that all Conservatives are staunch Christians, but some are. Well here is my question to you: In the Bible, when God creates Eve from Adam's rib, doesn't it state that God was creating a partner? I know we are well aware of what a partner means and what responsibilities it entails, so one would have to support gender equality. It makes no sense to me. I am not even a Christian (well I am, but I prefer to use my denomination name instead-Rationalist Unitarian- and I don't buy the supernatural aspects of religion), and that seems like it would be one of the first things to recognize b/c it's one of the first acts in the Bible. Then, the same way I feel about race, I feel about gender? (It's below...) Holy smokes. We are equal. What? Yeah, we are. Men and women have different physical abilities, but that doesn't make one better than the other. Seems like I beat the same dead horse all the time...
Two is the issue of class. This is the whopper. I think it is more important than gender, and especially race, because the saying "we are products of our environment" is a definite truism. But with that comes the power that the elite/business class has over the rabble/working/lower classes. It's very frustrating, and although I don't agree with communism, I see the appeal of it. It makes much more sense than the bourgeoisie ruling over the proletariat. Haha. Go Marx and labor unions. Class is so overlooked, but shapes so many of our interactions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. It's amazing to me that people don't constantly revolt. Again I don't feel like beating a dead horse...
Three... RACE. News flash folk... Study sociology. Race is sociological, not biological. We are all equal. OMG. Did someone really just admit that? YEAH I DID. Get over it. I side with the left b/c granted we aren't perfect in race relations and in a sense, there will always be ethnic/tribal/nationalistic tension, but they get that and acknowledge that there is a system of racial hierarchy in the world and it should be abolished. I kept it short b/c people over-hype race. I talk about it all the time, because people don't understand that it is trivial. We are all different colors. Embrace it. I wonder what is going to happen when people are all the same color, which is slowly but surely happening, and/or when people of color realize that we are the majority? Interesting... I hope colorism won't become the predominant ideology...
Four, I guess this is pretty much a spin off of two, but I hate capitalism. I don't like what money has done to so many seemingly nice individuals. People that came from working class backgrounds turn their back on their roots and community b/c they got a little money. I have issues with that. Why? It's capitalism. I firmly believe that capitalism breeds greed. I have seen it happen too many times. I understand it is the economic system of this country, and you know, I'll live with it, but it needs to be regulated. CLEARLY. That's why we are in this mess now. Greed gets out of control... So pass a darn stimulus package, Congress.
So that's me in a nutshell... Go lefties...