Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stimulus Drama...

Politics is nothing but drama. It's worse than Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, and Desperate Housewives put together.

News flash… Congress Dems and Republicans continue to battle with each other over the stimulus package. Oh I guess that isn’t a news flash. The Republicans nor Democrats will always battle each other, because they are power freaks. This is going to hurt American families and workers. Put your egos aside, and yes the bill may not contain everything that you want in it Nancy Pelosi or John Boehner, and guess what kids, you will just have to get over it. I thought the whole point of Congress was to support and fulfill the wishes of their constituents. Maybe they need a news flash… We are all hurting. Our economic foundation is crumbling. And don’t you all want to be re-elected? If you all continue to bicker with each other and stand by as the economy continues to tank, please don’t think that we will forget your lack of action. Learn to compromise, because in reality, neither side is right on this one. Sure. It can contain a decent size of “cash in hand” tax cuts to attempt to please the Republicans, b/c that will “help” every worker out, but also the bill needs to be a 2009 version of New Deal acts. That’s why I like Obama, because he clearly saw how FDR helped Americans make it through the Great Depression. We saw that the other stimulus/bail out plans haven’t worked. They didn’t work. They gave us a check, and we paid bills with it. They threw billions at the banks and financial markets, and they didn’t loan us money. The New Deal worked b/c it put so many people to work. And yes I know, trust me, that World War II is the full reason for our economic recovery in the 1940s, and the US suffered some economic difficulties after the end of the war, but you can’t deny the impact of the New Deal. Yes I agree with family planning, but don’t put it along with this bill. Come on, Dems. I support you all, and this is what happens. It’s so ridiculous. Pass a clean bill. I don’t even want to blog more about it. It’s just so frustrating. I type this as I sit and listen to CNN segment on the cumulative grade on American infrastructure is a D. From wastewater storage, levees, inland waterways, dams, schools, and mass transit, we are failing. Put people to work to fix these issues and provide us with energy alternatives, so we don’t have to depend on shaky regions in the world for oil and more importantly, stop damaging the Earth. It seems like not many people get what is going in. I’m too annoyed at this point. Shout out to Obama again for understanding the need to bring us all together to make it through this. Quick lesson for Pelosi and Boehner to learn: Try to legislate from the middle. Geniuses. And I don’t mean that in a nice way…

